Privacy and Data Protection
Our digital risk team is made up of a combination of subject matter experts and technical specialists who can help your business comply with the GDPR.
Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
While business goals and strategies evolve, our services support you wherever you are in your business cycle. The digital economy is simultaneously increasing the magnitude of new business opportunities while increasing the difficulty of getting it right.
ISO 27001 and ISO 27701
Grant Thornton’s ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 specialists will arrange and oversee the formal audit process.
SOC 1,2,3
As a service organization there are many ways to provide assurance to your customers and in turn other stakeholders over your control environment. One of the most effective and cost-efficient ways is to issue a Service Organization Control (SOC) Report.
Incident Response
Grant Thornton’s Cyber Incident Response Team can support your business in the event of a cyberattack or data loss event. We work alongside your existing IT and Legal teams to provide a co-ordinated, timely and efficient investigation and remediation.
Hacking Services
At Grant Thornton, our cyber security experts can develop a bespoke penetration testing plan to meet your business needs and unique IT environment. We can undertake the full suite of testing or conduct individual assessments, as required.
Cyber Health Check
Approximately 54% of organizations report that they have experienced at least one cyber-attack during the past year. Grant Thornton’s cyber health check provides you with an objective, jargon-free assessment of your current cyber security, drawing on both qualitative and quantitative elements.
Dark Web Threat Intelligence
We use a variety of dark and deep web monitoring tools that continuously scans illegal sites to discover any mention of your data, ranging from breached security credentials such as usernames and passwords to leaked confidential documents of your company.
Digital forensics and electronic discovery
We offer a full suite of digital forensics and data acquisition services in investigations related to cybercrime, disputes, fraud and regulatory investigations.
If you're facing a time of personal or corporate financial crisis you need advice from someone who listens, who understands your specific issues and deals with them in a supportive and sensitive manner.
Crisis stabilisation and turnaround
In periods of financial distress, management teams often face considerable challenges, with many directors having little or no experience of similar conditions.
Operational and financial restructuring
Companies challenged by underperformance often need support in identifying options for financial or operational restructuring. Tapping this type of advice helps them create a stable platform for business turnaround.
Accelerated M & A
Even fundamentally sound businesses run into difficulties. Cash flow can come under pressure from the loss of a big client, or a dip in performance can threaten a breach of banking covenants if there is insufficient headroom.
Indirect Tax
Our experienced VAT specialists are available to assist companies and entrepreneurs of all industries and sizes in meeting their obligations.
Direct Tax
We can help you ensure a bespoke balance between tax compliance and effective tax planning for your special circumstances.
Life at Grant Thornton
At Grant Thornton Cyprus, we are taking a holistic approach and reimagining the way we work, continually assessing it and making necessary changes to better support our people.
In the community
Unlocking the potential for growth in our local communities.
Diversity and inclusion
Diversity helps us meet the demands of a changing world. We value the fact that our people come from all walks of life and that this diversity of experience and perspective makes our organisation stronger as a result.
Global talent mobility
One of the biggest attractions of a career with Grant Thornton Cyprus is the opportunity to work on cross-border projects all over the world.
Learning and development
At Grant Thornton we believe learning and development opportunities allow you to perform at your best every day.
Our values
We are a values-driven organisation and we have more than 56,000 people in over 140 countries who are passionately committed to these values.
Sustainability is no longer a ‘nice to have’ option for businesses, it is in the core of the business strategies for future and an elixir to long term success.
It has become a core function of the Board of Directors of organisations and at Grant Thornton Cyprus we are here to help you integrate Sustainability in your strategies, with top industry professionals, always acting with diligence and professionalism.
There is an increasing number of regulations and more legislative and non-legislative initiatives at EU and international level are developed and deployed in regard to:
- revising and transforming their business strategies aiming to provide sustainable outcomes
- improving the quality of disclosed sustainability information via the creation of reporting guidelines/standards so that sustainability performance is more accurately and consistently communicated
- integrating financial reporting with non-financial reporting
- assisting financial institutions and investors make investment and business decisions incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria
- promoting net zero emissions, energy efficiency, circular economy, and other sustainable practises
- providing financial and non-financial aid to assist governments and organisations invest in sustainable technologies and practises.
You have the option to act proactively and lead the way for sustainability in your industry or wait until later.
There is however, a cost of inaction which can take the form of:
- regulatory non-compliance
- inability to compete in the market
- ineffective resource allocation
- increased operational costs in the long run
- struggle to obtain finance and attract investors
- weak brand value and reputation
- difficult to attract and retain talents.
Our Sustainability Services
Our sustainability experts can help your company build a sustainable strategy by preparing a business case to ensure stakeholder and management buy-in, helping you prioritising focus areas based on your specific markets and value chain, building the right targets and measurable KPIs building the right partnerships with key stakeholders, finding the right metrics to evaluate the process and showing you how to be transparent with consumers about the company’s sustainability progress.
Main service components
- sustainable strategy development
- sustainable strategy audits (ESG audits)
- seminars & training programs.
Through sustainability reporting, our sustainability experts can help your company improve its corporate reputation, build consumer confidence, increase innovation and improve risk management by acting proactively. It will also help you better understand the opportunities and risks your organization might face and thus, enhance your competitive advantage.
Sustainability reporting improves your brand’s image, boosts your employees’ morale, enhances your business’ ability to comply with EU laws, and reduces the risk of governance and environmental failures.
Main service components
- sustainability reporting (GRI, UNGC, ISO 26000)
- non-financial reporting
- materiality assessment
- double materiality assessment
- setting KBIs and KPIs
- sustainability reporting assurance.
To provide a sustainable outcome, it is not sufficient to act within the walls of your organization. Sustainable operation also means a sustainable supply chain.
We can provide expert support and state of the art e-tools for the evaluation and improvement of the sustainability parameters of your organisation’s supply chain. This may involve training programs for your vendors, assessments and audits (remote or physical), online ongoing monitoring, rating and improvement follow up of your supply chain with a state-of-the-art rating and monitoring platform.
Main service components
- supply chain sustainability ratings
- green supply chain reports
- green supply chain assurance
- green supply chain audits.
Our sustainability experts can provide you with a personalised approach to your ESG and EU Taxonomy due diligence and valuation, looking at the actual risks identified in your company’s screening assessment. We can also help you integrate ESG into your business strategy, identify your material topics, understand your ESG ratings, align to global & regulatory frameworks and strive for ‘investment grade’ data. As ESG targets are met, green loan’s contractual cash flows (interest) will be adjusted accordingly, and contractual interest rates will be reduced for your company. Along with Grant Thornton’s risk services, we can help you introduce ESG criteria in the risk models of your portfolio of investments.
Main service components
- sustainability risk management
- review client investments from a sustainability perspective
- ESG due diligence
- ESG performance support
- taxonomy obligations
- sustainable accounting
- green bonds (sustainability finance from the markets)
- green lending (sustainability linked loans).
Our sustainability experts can support your company prepare and achieve outstanding ESG ratings by carrying out internal screening and gap analysis, identify the quick wins and recommend long-term projects, fix the identified gaps, set up an ESG governance structure and select the ESG rating provider. However, Grant Thornton Cyprus sustainability team offers its own rating solution on which you can subscribe to be rated. The same tool offers a complete solution for ESG indexing and publishes ESG ratings for the companies registered on its indexing platform.
Main service components
- ESG rating services
- ESG rating support
- ESG index publication.
You can transform your business into climate positive business, contribute to the carbon neutral targets and get national support. We are in a climate emergency, and we are all responsible for helping to solve the immense challenge of limiting warming to 1.5°C. If all businesses adopted the correct policies and initiatives, this could cut global emissions and make a huge impact to meet the 1.5°C target set by the Paris Agreement. In addition, consumers are more selective and prefer environmental responsible companies.
Main service components
- National Support Scheme proposals for GHG emissions reduction
- preparation of GHG Baseline Emissions Inventory for businesses
- business GHG emissions Action Pan Preparation
- in-house training programs
- climate change audits.
Support your business for circular economy transformation. Benefit from circular practices and increase the environmental performance of your business. Our high-quality consulting services provide a wide range of solutions to transform your business to circular business, to measure and monitor performance in the context of Circular Economy.
Main service components
- National Support Scheme proposal for Circular Economy
- business circular economy diagnostic services
- business tailor made circular economy coaching
- provision of in-house training programs
- development of KPIs for circular economy for your business.
Many companies have started implementing actions to reduce their energy consumption due to rising costs and/or public pressure to reduce environmental footprints. Our consulting services take into consideration the “energy efficiency first principle”, help clients assess the current status, identify quick wins and medium and longer-term improvements, develop a comprehensive energy strategy, while benefiting from available state support schemes.
Main service components
- business advice on energy market (Gap Analysis, Feasibility Studies etc.)
- licensing of large-scale alternative fuels projects
- evaluation of energy projects
- feasibility studies for energy projects
- support scheme for energy efficiency in buildings and processes
- electric vehicles support scheme
- renewable energy resources
- Environmental Impact Assessment Studies for energy projects.
We can explore the relevant funding schemes, identify suitable grants to transform your idea into funded project. EU/National funds are only awarded to partnerships that make applications which meet all the necessary eligibility requirements and which are evaluated to be of the highest quality. Our experience team can support not only the proposal preparation stage, but also reporting on the use of EU funds and ensuring compliance to EU procedures and effective project management.
Main service components
- preparation and submission of proposals to EU and/or national funding Programmes
- management of projects (technical/financial).